Shyamalan assembles the tricky plot's jigsaw pieces so seamlessly that the film manages to be even more impressive when you go back to watch it a second time. And when it finally is, it's with a revelation that absolutely no one could see coming at the time: Willis’ character has been dead himself all along. Like the best ghost stories, The Sixth Sense slowly ratchets up the tension until it cries to be released. Bruce Willis is the celebrated child psychologist hired to help the tyke work through his issues.

Ten-year-old Haley Joel Osment plays a troubled little kid who claims he can see dead people. But back when this psychological thriller first hit theaters, audiences gasped at how perfectly the director had engineered his trap. Night Shyamalan synonymous with the whiplash twist ending - so much so that as his career went on, it felt like he had painted himself into a creative corner. Jigsaw, who kidnapped his victims and played deadly. The twist can be anything from something minor, like the main character having.
Watch it: Se7en, on Amazon Prime, Fandango Now, Google Play, iTunes, Vudu, YouTube Saw is a movie that has brought a new breath to the horror and mystery genres and is not easy to watch. A plot twist is a sudden reversal in the early stages of a film or novel. This crime thriller sees Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman as detectives investigating murders inspired by the seven deadly sins. The list is finally complete … and our nightmares are just about to begin. Starring: Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey, Gwyneth Paltrow. Doe gives Pitt's Detective Mills a box with the head of his wife (Gwyneth Paltrow) in it. The sadistic psycho nicknamed John Doe (Kevin Spacey, not listed in the film's opening credits because Fincher wanted his big reveal to be a surprise) turns himself in and leads Pitt and Freeman out to the desert, where his last victim awaits.

Almost all the short films I’ve seen end with a twist and structurally, this can be reasoned out since pretty much every short works towards sending a point home, and a twist can help you with achieving. But the psycho saves for last the two best sins - wrath and envy. The twist ending is an easy way to give your audience something to remember, and a good twist ending is one they will always cherish.
Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt play a pair of police detectives on the trail of a serial killer whose grisly M.O. But even before those two jack-in-the-box finales, he'd already honed his trickster's chops with Se7en. "What's in the box?! What's in the box?!” David Fincher, who gave us The Game and Fight Club, is no stranger to messing with audiences’ heads with a fiendish twist ending.